
(CVPR 2017) Feature pyramid networks for object detection

Keyword [FPN]

Lin T Y, Dollár P, Girshick R, et al. Feature pyramid networks for object detection[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2017: 2117-2125.

1. Overview

1.1. Motivation

Feature pyramid are basic in detection, but expensive. In this paper, it proposed Feature Pyramid Network (FPN).

  • fater-rcnn based on FPN run at 6 fps on GPU

1.2. Forms

1.2.1. Pyramidal Feature Hierarchy

  • High-resolution maps have low-level feature. And it will harm representational capacity for detection.
  • SDD build pyramid from high up in the network

1.2.2. Feature Pyramid Network

  • combine
    • low-resolution (strong semantic)
    • high-resolution (weak semantic)

1.3.1. Hand-Engineered

  • SIFT
  • HOG

1.3.2. Deep ConvNet

  • OverFeat
  • R-CNN
  • SPPnet

1.3.3. Using Multiple Layers

  • FCN. sum partial scores over multi-scale
  • Hypercolumns, HyperNet, ParseNet, ION. concat feature of multi-layers
  • SSD, MS-CNN. predict at multi-layers without combining
  • U-Net, Sharp-Mask. Recombinator, Hourglass, Laplacian pyramid. lateral/skip connection

1.4. FPN

  • Two Pathway
    • bottom-up pathway
    • top-down pathway and lateral connection
      The bottom-up map is lower-level semantics, more accuracy for localizing.

2. Application

2.1. RPN

  • Head
    • binary classification
    • bounding box regression
  • Attach head (shared) to each (P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) level of FPN. Each level
    • single scale anchor
    • 3 aspect ratios {1:2, 1:1, 2:1}
      Head shared mechanism is analogous to image pyramid mechanism with common head classifier.

2.2. Fast R-CNN

No RPN, only RoI pooling.

  • view feature pyramid as produced from image pyramid
  • assign RoI (w,h) to level Pk of FPN

  1. 224 is the canonical ImageNet pre-training size
  2. k0 is the level of 224x224 RoI
  3. Shared head
    Analogous to ResNet-based Faster R-CNN, set k0 = 4. The k of 112x112 RoI is 3 (k0 - log[112/224]).

3. Experiments

3.1. Ablation Study

Using P2 have more proposal.

3.2. Comparison

3.3. Extension